About Us

At NORTHERN FOWL Co., our mission is to provide quality apparel for everyday use, as well apparel for the field, while giving back to local conservation efforts. Waterfowl hunting isn’t just a hobby – for many of us its a way of life. Mornings in the blind with good friends and family, or picking up decoys after dark while laughing about the blunders of the hunt. These experiences mold who we are as a hunter and most importantly as a human. Here at Northern Fowl Co., we want to ensure that our children’s children and your children’s children are able to share some of these same experiences.

Born and raised in the Mississippi migratory flyway, waterfowl observation was a staple growing up. We knew that conservation of existing marshes and wetlands was crucial to maintain the lay-over points for waterfowl heading south in the fall and north in the spring. This, paired with new habitat creation would ensure the successful migration and brood-rearing required for waterfowl to be enjoyed for generations to come.

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